
Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Baby Wallace Pregnancy – Week #26

Oh, sweet baby – I’m so sorry.  Mommas has not documented your beautiful little life for a few weeks.  I do apologize.  Well, here we are.  Week #26, approaching that final trimester and still having that little detail sealed away in an envelope…much to the disdain of many-a-loved-one!

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At week 26 of growth, baby Wallace:

Is the size of an English hothouse cucumber (about 14 inches), weighing 1 2/3 lbs!

The last few weeks have been busy, but the kind of busy where you don’t have anything really “huge” – just the state of life where intentionality becomes essential to live in a purposeful and wonderful way!  So, that’s what we’re trying around the wallace household…purposeful and wonderful!  I am starting to really “feel pregnant” and by that I mean I’m getting a bit more uncomfortable!  Back hurting – yep.  Sitting on that beloved bouncy ball – all the time.  Grunting when leaning over –uh-huh.  Oh, it is a unique phase of life!  I’m so thankful.  Gestational diabetes test is this Friday, so fingers crossed that all of that Halloween snacking wasn’t too harmful!  Baby is M.O.V.I.N.G!!!!  He/she is all over the place!  I feel like this sweet one is way more active than I remember our dear Abi.  And at the most inopportune times…oh dear.  Lots of long nights ahead in our future?!

Amazing baby change this week: Baby’s ears are getting more and more sensitive and they are really able to distinguish voices!  They are inhaling/exhaling more and more amniotic fluid…getting ready for that marathon in February!

Abi updates: She is still holding pretty strong to the idea that she’ll be a big sister to a little brother, but the ‘sister’ card has been thrown around with more frequency.  We’ll see!  She loves the baby so.  It truly brings such joy to our hearts to see our family molding into a future picture already and the love in her heart for this child.  So special.  She talks about “our baby” quite frequently – whether it is if baby wants a bite of her Halloween candy, what type of music does baby like, is the baby awake, etc.  We love watching her grow in this area!

1 comment:

R said...

Sweet little Abi is going to be such a good big sister!