
Friday, April 22, 2011

You know you’re a momma when…

You spend quite a deal of time trying to figure out why sweet child brought this home from “school” today and what it is– when you ask darling child why…she responds with “It’s a red circle on a plate!”  Oh!  Delight in the simplicity of it all.


When you realize that much of your day is dictated by a three hour rotation (thankfully, not during the night!)


When you go to drive, grab sunglasses and can’t see clearly because they’re smeared with chocolate milk from darling girl.

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When the following doesn’t make you blink an eye…in fact for a moment you question if you forgot to unbuckle your bouncy baby boy!


Be all here: and be holy.

Be all here: and be happy.

Because the Presence of I AM always fills the present moment. ( be encouraged here)


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