
Monday, January 3, 2011

Flashback 2010: Hubby’s Birthday!

Doons turned 28 about 6 weeks ago! 


Having a birthday the day after Thanksgiving may be a bummer to some (truthfully, it might be for me, selfish gal that I sometimes am) – but my darling hubby takes it all in stride and thinks of the week’s festivities as a wonderful family occasion where there is an amazing meal cooked in his honor!  We all would agree with him. 


My dearest is loved by many for multiple reasons, the lists could go on and on.  But as I reflect back on this year of life with him, I am most thankful for his sincere and deep love for our family, his unwavering belief in a God who is good and provides all good things, and for his humble nature which both encourages others and puts them at ease.  He is a goody.  I am so thankful for him.


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