
Sunday, January 17, 2010



Calling Dallas residents.  This organization is fantastic.  My involvement with them is extremely limited.  In fact, they have given to the wallace family really much more than we have invested in them.  You see, about 3 weeks ago, I got this bright orange cardstock flyer in my mailbox advertising that the Arc of Texas would be returning to my neighborhood on January 15th to collect any unwanted household items / clothes / etc.  I was intrigued as I have been meaning to clean out the garage / study for a LONG while.  I held onto it for selfish reasons really.  BUT, as January 15th approached, I hopped on their website to check out what organization I would be partnering with (you know, didn’t want it to be an organization that hurt puppies or that sort of thing).  I was blown away!  Their motto is this:

“creating opportunities for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities to be included in their communities.”

Fantastic!  Isn’t that what all of our hearts long for?  To be included in our communities?

Those of you who know donald and I both well know that we have very different “professional” minds.  He loves numbers (and is insanely brilliant) while I like to frolic with the furry, scaly, and feathered creatures of this earth (and the children who love to learn about them).  But, from being friends/dating/married to my wonderful man, I have grown in my business savvy.  The ARC collects all of your unwanted items (plus, I love recycling!) and then sells them to another community-focused store, and then uses the profits to help fund their non-profit.  What wonderful ideas!  So sustainable, so brilliant, so wonderful.  And, unfortunately, I am at times a very lazy person.  It was much easier for me to put my items out on my front porch than to load up abi, borrow my mother-in-love’s car, and drive them to their location.  The ARC even gave me grace and picked up my items!  Wonderful upon wonderful!

The scene in front of our home:



1 comment:

Jennifer Hubley said...

What a great idea! I love to recycle too. I think it should be mandatory!