Easter was just so special this year. After reading a pretty impactful article, I feel as though my mind and heart were graciously tuned into seeing this city of mine with an ‘Easter person’s’ eyes. To want to extend and claim the hope and freedom that Easter offers. To enjoy the sweet traditions and pastels that Easter brings with it, but to feel the burden to not only allow my heart and my family to be satisfied in this. HOPE, LIGHT, TRUTH – Easter was filled with these things, and we are grateful.
The theme of our church’s Easter service was ‘The Parade Is Coming!’ – and it was awesome. Compete with marching drums and all, our hearts are in anticipation for the parade of Christ! On the flyer that was passed out:
Grief will be undone. He will disclose the purpose of our pain.
No more greed and self-absorption, no more poverty
and insecurity; NO MORE LOSS.
No more flesh-consuming cancer, no more genetic disorder,
The parched tongue will be dampened by the Living Water and the hungering soul satisfied with the Bread of Life.
No longer looking as through a glass dimly lit.
We shall see Him face to face, as He is. And we will be like Him – THE IMAGE OF GOD FULLY RESTORED.
Our bodies will be as His –resurrected, recreated, physical.
We will touch His wounds; He will kiss our scars and
wipe the tears from our eyes ONCE AND FOR ALL.
These words will be read and re-read this year. They are so true and so beautiful.
Happy Birthday, sweet MC!
We usually enjoy spending Easter with D’s parents, but this year Easter fell on Mary Claire’s 2nd birthday and Malia was down in Houston – so the festivities started a few days early!
Donald’s parents are so great to bring over an awesome celebration – of course, complete with an egg hunt! Nate TOTALLY got it this year. So very fun. Abi’s sweet nature shown, as she graciously gave up many of her eggs for Nate to find them. Not the ones with money in them though…smart lady :)

Easter Sunday was filled with celebrating and hopeful hearts, yummy food, a lovely drive with delicious coffee around White Rock Lake, and some more egg-huntin’! The end of the day left our hearts happy.

And of course, this will be its own post…but until then…the five Wallace ladies (donald does not like that I’ve given them the Wallace name!)

We hope that your family’s Easter was filled with true celebration and rejoicing!