
Wednesday, June 15, 2011


And, it is finished.  Honestly, the past two years of life have been some of the most significant in my life.  There has been more trusting, more seeing the Lord’s provision, more delighting in my family, more friendships formed, more appreciation of simplicity – the list could go on and on.

It is rare when a chapter of life is ended so abruptly.  Usually, in my experience, life’s movements are more gradual.  But, graduation came – Donald walked – and our period of SMU life ended (minus returning to the awesome playground right off campus, that is a dallas gem!).  Oh my, I am so proud of him!  We are excited for the next phase of life for our family – yet thankful for the past two years (especially given in the last year!) to slow life down and enjoy the contentment of today.  I am thankful to have been taught these lessons and have them take root, I know they will bless our family in the future.

Here we are, all waiting for the fun to begin (we sat in the upper level – not too close to anyone – just perfect for toddlers and two itty-bitty’s)


Abi & Josh signing “I love you” too Doons – they were SO good during the ceremony!


The good lookin’ grad making his way up there…


Post ceremony – the freedom of the outdoors!

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And so it is done…Go Ponies!


Clint and Lauren Brock said...

what great photos! congratulations donald!! and...abi's dress is adorable!! :)

R said...

Woohoo! Way to go Donald! Sorry this is so belated - I'm a little behind on life right now. :) Love and hugs to the 4 of you!