Below is a comment I posted on a blog called Downward Spiral ( I just saw the post today and felt it was in rythm with my concern this afternoon.
It is both a confession and call for prayers. Thanks friends.
Donald & Angela said...
I was wondering about this today on the train
Paul says to Ephesus that he is praying for them that they would have the wisdom and understanding to see the hope of their calling, to see the riches of their inheritance, and the greatness of His power.
I started to realize that when I picture myself as "a man who helps the homeless" I see myself more poor and hopeless than rich, hopeful, and flowing with a greater power.
I need this prayer (sorry for the numbers, pasted from NET Bible):
I pray that43 the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory,44 may give you spiritual wisdom and revelation45 in your growing knowledge of him,46 1:18 – since the eyes of your47 heart have been enlightened48 – so that you may know what is the hope of his calling,49 what is the wealth of his glorious50 inheritance in the saints, 1:19 and what is the incomparable51 greatness of his power toward52 us who believe, as displayed in53 the exercise of his immense strength.54